Will splits soar after pandemic quarantines end?
Nashville, Tennessee, relationship coach Lee Wilson thought it was odd when one of his clients recently asked to meet with him at a golf course. Once he got there, he understood why: His client had already called a divorce lawyer. "He said, 'I had to get away from her.' "
Just another couple driven to divorce amid quarantine tensions? Yes and no. "I knew they were already having trouble," says Wilson, but being locked down together by COVID-19 made it worse.
"If a couple is having trouble, most of their interactions will be neutral or negative. But now (tension) is constant and in their face and they're not able to have their typical routines, like doing their own things," says Lee, a couples coach for 20 years and founder of myexbackcoach.com, which offers online courses, videos and products such as "emergency breakup kits."
